Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Trick Tips: How to wait

What can you do while waiting for your turn to skate the same obstacle?

Suggestion 1:
You can place your tail on one of your foot like so.
This position shows that you are confident while you wait
due to no contact between your hands and your board

Suggestion 2:
You can simply stand still and pay attention to your friend
that is executing his trick. Make sure your facial expression reacts
accordingly and bare in mind not to do the same trick as your friend
just did. He might think that you are trying to burn him or something.

Suggestion 3:
Pretend that you're an Olympic athlete on the starting line
instead when your turn is about begin

The Secret:
When you're done with your trick, make sure
express joy or frustration on the way back in line
So that people will understand the magnitude of your
success or failure.

Theres no rules in skateboarding
I'm just bullshitting you.

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